Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Fest Chocolate Cake & Lychee Martini Cake

Hubby's friend love the fest chocolate cake I gave him for Christmas so much that he placed an order for his parents' wedding anniversary. I decided to twist the cake design (Charlotte style) to give it a more refine look. Writing on the cake was really a challenge for me as I usually can't even write straight on paper w/o lines. I was pretty worried that I would ruin the whole cake with my piping....luckily I read some tips on using the same icing to pipe the wordings, so even if there is a mistake I could just smudge it out. I also practiced on paper couple of days before the actual feat. Surprisingly, it turned out rather decent on my 1st attempt! (*grin*) added some designs to the sides too...Hope it will be a pleasant surprise for them!

This coming Wednesday is my sis birthday and I already had in mind what cake to make. I'm going to attempt lychee martini cake! I cured my canned lychees in vodka with some syrup and lychee essence (would prefer to use lychee juice but turned out it's not easy to get) 2 days back. Chopped them up and put them in my filling together with whipped cream. Simple and yet potent...hahahahhaha.....

I chanced upon lychee pocky a couple of weeks back and thought it was a pretty interesting flavour but didn't get it there and then to try. When I decided to make lychee martini cake, I knew I just have to have that to top my cake to give it the extra Ommphhh....so before heading to my sis house for the special surprise delivery my hubby drove me to the shop just to get it (end up buying 2 lychee, 1 blueberry, 1 choco banana pocky)...the 2 sticks were placed on the cake at her void deck(the rest of the opened box was given to her so that at least there's something for the kids to enjoy), which explains the bad lighting for this photo.

Not sure how the taste will come together...sure hope this is a good effort....1st time baking a sponge cake using a sponge mix too....again the suspense is killing me!!!!

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