Monday, January 17, 2011

It's a Minnie Week!

I promised my friend that I would make her girl's birthday cake and she requested for a Minnie Cake. The 1st thought that came to my mind was how am I going to draw the face nice enough without having it looking like the imitation version?

I decided to adopt this design from the internet as it look so adorably Minnie...I twisted my ingredients/materials based on what I think I would be able to get my hands on and made it my version....The top was covered with chocolate cookie crumbs and the ears were the cookies. I took out most of the cream for the ears so there will not be a whitish layer around them. As I know most people don't really like fondant and this makes a healthier option without the addition of food colouring( if I were to use buttercream). Definitely the taste will be a winner as well. I also crushed some cookies to make cookies n cream filling.

The base cake has chocolate buttercream filling as requested and covered in pink butercream(only colouring i used here)...The mickey and bow chocolates were a timely find...Should I say she is a lucky girl or I'm the lucky baker?
Happy 2nd Birthday Crystal!

*Psss...Crystal's mama maybe next year do a jewel cake for your girl?

My hubby's friend's daughter was also turning 1 last weekend and her party's theme was Disney. They didn't ask me for a cake but as I was making the above Minnie Cake, hubby asked me to make one for his friend too. Since I didn't want to do 2 exact cakes, I decided to do the face in the end.

So here's presenting to you my very 1st cartoon character face cake (drumroll pls.... =p)


TA DA!!!!

Hehehe...Not too bad for a 1st timer huh? I'm smiling as wide as Minnie now....
Think my secret to success is......NO pressure to deliver!

I was so into making these 2 Minnie cakes that the moment I woke up at 9am I worked all the way thru to 3pm...and only took my 1st meal of the day after that...But it was a satisfying day for me as both cakes turned out beautifully!

Now I'm so into the white polka dots with the pink base that I even got a bag in that print yesterday =] What a great way to end off my Minnie weekend isn't it!

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