Sunday, November 7, 2010

Sugee Cake & Mirror Agar Agar

1st day of Deepavali was a long and tiring day for us....I woke up at 10.30am thou I was hoping I would wake up earlier as I planned to bake Sugee cake to bring to my MIL house. Every year my hubby would invite his friends to his mum's house for Deepavali.

I quickly get into action and baked 24 minis, 7 std cupcake size and 1 std loaf with a batch of batter. When I tried the minis after cooling, it was grainy and sweet ...haven't really tried store bought Sugee cake before but I doubt they are suppose to be like this(yes, my MR confirmed it - he is a fan of Sugee cake)...they were not good enough for me to bring to my MIL house for the guest to eat in the end (=[ Sob sob.....and I was rushing like hell to make it and of cos cursing at the recipe).

Gave the rest of the minis and cupcakes away, leaving the loaf to cool on the rack.

When I came back at 1a.m I looked at my loaf of Sugee cake and had a gut feeling it was different from the rest I gave away. Instead of trying it out immediately, I only tried it this morning. My gut feeling was right! It tasted perfect in terms of taste and texture. No hard grains at all and not too sweet...but why the difference I thought? My guess was - the semolina in the loaf pan had time to absorb butter and moisture. The loaf pan was the last of 4 trays to enter the oven (probably waited an hour), it was baked at a gentler condition (another hour) and had sat for 1 day before it entered my mouth. My MR took the other trimming and said this is good to go with the recipe wasn't so bad after all <3. We gave the cake to his friend.

The tiredness seems to have an effect on us today...we thought of visiting 4 places but couldn't get our butt moving....we waited and waited till our girl got tired and needed her nap...I was on the verge of taking a nap already but was worried the nap would make me more lethargic. I sprung out of bed, went to the kitchen and made Agar Agar for the host of tonight's party since I had packets of them in my drawer (didn't want to go empty handed thou hubby had given a bottle prior to Deepavali and said it's not necessary to give anything).

Its was down to 2 places which were near to our house in the end...the party and a friend's house whom we gave the Sugee Cake.

The party was good...with wonderful catered Dhum Chicken Briyani and lotsa home cooked side dishes and nonya kueh for dessert...Oh oh and a table of bottles ranging from wine to liquor to beer. Don't get me wrong. I'm not an alcoholic, in fact I hardly drink but I had Vodka with Organic Blackcurrant cordial and tonic. Finished till the last drop.

Thou we were full to the neck at the party, we couldn't resist another round of good food at the house. In the end, overate. Which explains why I'm posting this at 4a.m. Need to give my digestive system more time to work on my intake as I needed to create space for a horse meat lunch later =9

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