Saturday, November 13, 2010

Tiramisu & Banana Cakes

Today a secondary school friend of mine, Karen, decided to drop by our house as she has yet to see the baby (ermmm....supposed to come a year ago). It was a last minute decision so I wasn't able to plan for a full dinner like what I did for Christine 2 days back but I had ingredients for a Tiramisu. I had wanted to make Tiramisu way back but hasn't got the right reason to do so every time.

This is my 1st attempt making a Tiramisu and I replaced mascarpone cheese with cream cheese (for those who wants to save some money this is an option, most will not be able to tell the difference). Guess I should have used more gelatin to make the cheese firmer. It's still soft after 5 hrs in the fridge.

After making the Tiramisu (which only took me half an hour), I was glad there's still time for ironing as I had postponed my ironing task for a week....reason(s) being - last weekend was Deepavali so I told myself I will do it on Monday. But I was busy with the Fest chocolate cake, then Tuesday I was cleaning the house as Christine coming on Wednesday and Wednesday I was cooking and baking the cheesecake, Thursday I clean the house again and had to visit my mum in hospital.

Finally, today I was able to do it. While ironing I heard some loud noises in my house but I can't figure out where they came from...till I went to the kitchen...the bananas had peeled off from the stem leaving only 1. I had to do something about them immediately even thou it's already 5p.m. Straight away I took out my recipe book and my handphone and made 2 different recipes (the last banana fell shortly) since I had so much banana.

I baked our favourite banana tea-bread with wheat bran and tried out steamed banana cake. The tea-bread was made into muffins so they bake faster and its easier to distribute while the steamed banana cake was made into 1 small and 1 mini loaf. The steamed banana cake turned out nice with a chewy texture. All done within an hour and before Karen arrives....phew <3....

Dinner was simple Aglio Olio with salmon and we had the tiramisu for dessert. My girl had a whole banana muffin as I can't feed her tiramisu (contains Kahlua).

I gave the mini banana loaf to my faithful Vitagen lady Shirley and Karen packed the small loaf together with 3 muffins. The recipients were happy so was the giver =]

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