Sunday, November 14, 2010


I had bought a packet of Besan flour to make besan ladoo earlier. On the packet it says can be used to make Dhokla. Dhokla?! I have never eaten or come across one before so do my hubby. As usual, using the capability of internet I found a decent recipe with step by step photo(don't we love all these bloggers for being so kind ^_^).

The internet link was sitting in my phone bookmark for a while and this morning it suddenly strike my mind to make this. Straightaway went to get all the ingredients ready and in a matter of 2hrs(need to let the batter rise for an hour) very 1st Dhokla was done!

I can't wait to taste it....the texture looks like a sponge cake but the moment i put it into my mouth it literally melts away....and the seasonings were just nice. Not too sweet, not too sour and not too salty. With a little hint of spiciness from the green chilies it just made the Dhokla very addictive. Can't wait for my hubby to wake up and try....not to say for others to praise it....What a wonderful Sunday....ahhhhhh =9

*Added: He kept eating and saying it's very nice but he just can't get the name right....hahahhaha

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