Monday, November 1, 2010

Kueh Lopes

This is just like our Chinese Alkaline Dumpling. Just that its coated with grated coconut and Gula Malacca Syrup. Seems to be a favourite for many of my friends. 

500gm Glutinous Rice (Soaked for 2 hours)
3 tsp Alkaline Water
Banana Leaves cut into strips depending on how big you want the triangle to be. Blanche in hot water to soften before using.
120gm Grated Coconut steamed with 1/2tsp salt

Preparing the rice was easy. The tricky part was on the wrapping as I couldn't find detail instructions with pictures to learn how to wrap them up to get the triangle shape. Someone mentioned wrap it like a samosa. Well I never wrap a samosa before but I guess I roughly know what she meant.

Take 1 strip of banana leaf, fold one corner up to make a triangle, fold another 2 more times and you will get a pocket. Fill the rice in the pocket. Then continue to fold in a triangular manner till the last fold. Making sure each fold is tight and the rice does not fall out. Slot the last bit of the leaf to the back to secure. Stack 3 wrapped lopes together and use a rafia string to tie them tightly together.

Boil a pot of water and submerge all the lopes stacks into the water (making sure there's always sufficient water to cover all the lopes). Let it cook for 1-2hrs. Drain and let cool before opening. Coat with grated coconut and drizzle Gula Malacca Syrup (I bought from supermarket instead of making my own).

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