Thursday, November 4, 2010

Halloween Bake

Have arranged with my sis to bring my girl over to her house for trick and treats on Halloween day. She had bought pumpkin baskets and sweets for the little ones so I thought I shouldn't be getting more sweets then. Need to make something to jazz up the atmosphere.

Think think think...Aha...I had egg whites leftover from my Nastar bake and I remembered Joy of baking had featured meringue ghosts...I knew my small oven will be too harsh to bake meringue but still I decided to give it a go. The unbaked ones really look like ghosts isn't it...

This time round I kept turning the oven on and off thinking this method might prevent the meringue from browning too fast. I was able to achieve crispy meringue but can't keep them snowy white. They were tasty still (no burnt taste thou they look brown) and it melts in the mouth when I bite into them (it's like eating candy floss).

Meringue ghosts done! Now comes part 2...I was suppose to make Lava Cake with the block of Lindt 85% Dark Chocolate which I didn't need to use for the Owl cake. The past few weekends I wasn't able to make it to my mum's house for Saturday dinner(usually that's when we will all meet) so I thought this will be the perfect opportunity and since I wanted to make something Halloweeny, I decided to turn them into Coffin Cake with black cats.

The lava cake (using Nigella's recipe) was yummy thou the meringues had became marshmallow ghosties (due to the heat from the cake). My niece picked out all the cats' eyes to eat (she knew they were chocolates).

It was a good Halloween and the kids had fun and lots of sweets too....

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